
Thank you for visiting our website. My name is Teresa Bosley, and I'm proud to be the Head teacher at Long Lane C of E Primary School & Marston Montgomery Primary School.

We hope you find the information useful and it helps you to understand our school. Our website is constantly being updated to ensure the information we provide is helpful and relevant. Do not hesitate to contact the school if you need any further information and we will be happy to help you.

Long Lane is a caring and hard working school, which works closely with parents to promote strong home/school relationships. All children are encouraged to fulfil their potential and teachers work hard to ensure that each individual learner is appropriately challenged. As a school, we hold high expectations in relation to behaviour and attitudes. Our school has a strong Christian ethos and enjoys a positive working relationship with our local church, Christ Church.

We encourage parents to become part of the family of our school; helping during school time or becoming involved in events organised by the Friends of Long Lane (FOLL). You will always be welcome to talk to staff about any concerns held by you or your child.
Long Lane is part of the Acorn Partnership alongside Marston Montgomery Primary School.  The staff in both schools work closely together to develop our curriculum, attend and share training and provide opportunities for our children.  Several members of staff are employed by both schools and work in both schools, for example our Forest School Leader spends the majority of her time at Marston but leads all the Forest School sessions at Long Lane.  Staff attend joint staff meetings and INSET training.  Pupils have several joint days a year, for example our Sports Day is a shared event and the theatre trip in December.  We attend external sports events together, having a Federation PE kit and teams with children from both schools.
For the children, each half term we have a joint day planned and they will take part in the same sports events at QEGS, sometimes in joint teams.
If you would like to visit school, please contact the school office and an appointment can be made.

Mrs T Bosley, Headteacher
Our school day is 8:55am to 3:30pm.
Children attend school for 32 hours and 55 minutes a week.